
SQL in QGIS Database Manager

Spatial SQL with Spatialite and QGIS

I’ve recently given a few presentations on the Ocean State Spatial Database, which is a basic geodatabase for Rhode Island that we’ve created in our lab. The database was designed so that new and experienced users alike could easily access a curated collection of foundational layers and data tables for thematic mapping and geospatial analysis. The database is available for download on GitHub, and there is documentation that describes the layers and tables that are included. The database comes in two formats: SQLite/ Spatialite that’s great for QGIS, and a File Geoadatabase version for ArcGIS Pro users.

One of the big advantages of using the Spatialite database in QGIS is that you can take advantage of the Database Manager, and write SQL and spatial SQL queries for selecting records and doing spatial analysis. Instead of using a series of point and click tools that create a bunch of new files, you can write a single block of code to perform an entire operation, and you can save that code to document your work. Access the Database Manager above the toolbars at the top of the QGIS interface. Once you’re in, you can select the Spatialite option, right click and then browse your file system to point to the database to establish a connection. At the top of the DB Manager is a button (piece of paper with wrench) to open a SQL query window.

Database Manager in QGIS with SQL Window Open

The following commands are basic SQL: SELECT some columns FROM some tables WHERE some criteria is met. This returns all rows and columns from the public libraries layer in the database:

FROM d_public_libraries;

This returns just some of the columns for all rows:

SELECT libid, libname, city, cnty
FROM d_public_libraries;

While this returns some of the columns and rows that meet specific criteria, in this case where libraries are located in Providence County, RI:

SELECT libid, libname, city, cnty, geom
FROM d_public_libraries
ORDER BY city;

Traditional database column types include strings (aka text), integers, and decimal numbers, which limit the values that can be stored in the column, and allow specific functions that can operate on values of that type (math on numeric columns, string operations on text columns). Beyond the basic data types, many databases have special ones, such as date types that allow you to store and manipulate dates and times as distinct objects.

Spatial databases incorporate special columns for storing the geometry of features as strings of coordinates, and provide functions that can operate on that geometry. In the example above, the values stored in the geometry column were returned in a binary format. But we can apply a spatial function called ST_AsText to display the geometry as readable text:

SELECT libid, libname, city, cnty, ST_AsText(geom) AS geom
FROM d_public_libraries
ORDER BY city;

We can see that this is point geometry (as opposed to lines or polygons), and we have an X and Y coordinate for each point. The layers in this database are in the Rhode Island State Plane System, so the coordinates that are returned are in that system. We can convert these to longitude and latitude using the ST_Transform function:

SELECT libid, libname, city, cnty, ST_AsText(ST_Transform(geom,4269)) AS geom
FROM d_public_libraries
ORDER BY city;

This illustrates that the functions can be nested, first we transform the geometry and then display the result of that function as text. The number in the transform function is the unique identifier of the spatial reference system that we wish to transform the geometry to. In the open source world these are EPSG codes, and 4269 is the identifier for NAD 83, the basic long / lat system for North America (alternatively, we could use 4326 for WGS 84, the standard global long / lat system). The geometry column in a spatial table is connected to a series of internal tables that store all the definitions of the spatial reference systems. You can view the spatial reference system table:

SELECT * from spatial_ref_sys;

You can also get a read out of all the spatial tables in the database which include their type of geometry and the spatial reference system (3438 is the EPSG code for the RI State Plane zone, geometry of type 6 is a multipolygon, while type 1 is a point):

SELECT * from geometry_columns;

With a spatial database, you perform operations within and between tables by running functions against the geometry columns. For example, to return all public libraries and schools that are within a mile of a library while measuring the distance:

SELECT pl.libid, pl.libname, s.name, s.grade_span, ST_Distance(pl.geom, s.geom) AS dist
FROM d_public_libraries pl, d_schools_pk12 s
WHERE PtDistWithin(pl.geom, s.geom, 5280)
ORDER BY dist;

The ST_Distance function returns the actual distance in a new column, while the PtDistWithin function only returns libraries that have a school within one mile (5,280 feet – we have to express the measurement in the units used by the spatial reference system of both layers). In the FROM statement we provide aliases after each table name, so we can use those as shorthand (if our statement includes multiple tables, we need to indicate which table each column comes from).

You can also do summaries, like you would in standard SQL using GROUP BY. To count the number of schools that are within a mile of every library:

SELECT pl.libid, pl.libname, CAST(COUNT (s.name) AS integer) AS school_count, pl.geom
FROM d_public_libraries pl, d_schools_pk12 s
WHERE PtDistWithin(pl.geom, s.geom, 5280)
GROUP BY pl.libid, pl.libname, pl.geom
ORDER BY school_count DESC;

The rule for GROUP BY is that every column in the select statement must be used as a grouping variable, or has an aggregate function applied to it (COUNT, SUM, MEAN, etc). In this example we added the CAST function, which defines the data type for new columns that you create. Unless we explicitly declare it as an integer or real (decimal), values are returned as strings.

You can save your statements as views, by adding CREATE VIEW [view name] AS followed by the statement. Views are saved statements that appear as objects in the database; by opening a view, the statement is rerun and the result is returned. This approach works if you want to save a non-spatial view, i.e. a table without geometry. To save a spatial one with geometry, omit the VIEW statement and hit the Create a view button below the SQL window (each record must have a unique identifier and the geometry column in order for this to work). That registers the geometry column of the view in the database. Then, you can return to the main QGIS window, add the view and symbolize it. Alternatively, there is a Load as new layer button at the bottom of the screen, which allows you to see a temporary result without saving anything (while you can see features and records returned, you won’t be able to symbolize or manipulate the layer).

Count schools within 1 mile of libraries, and save as a spatial view
Symbolize the spatial query out in the main QGIS window

One of the primary reasons to use a database is to join related data stored in separate tables. This statement has two joins: a tabular join between the census tracts and an ACS data table, and a spatial join between the geometry of public libraries and tracts:

SELECT pl.libid, pl.libname, a.geoidshort, a.name, c.hshd01_e, c.hshd01_m
FROM d_public_libraries pl, a_census_tracts a
INNER JOIN c_tracts_acs2021_socecon c
ON a.geoidlong=c.geoidlong
WHERE ST_Intersects(pl.geom, a.geom);

This returns all public libraries and their intersecting tracts based on the relationship between their two geometries (could also have done ST_Within in this case to get the same result). Spatialite supports most of the spatial relationship functions defined by the OGC. The estimated number of households for these tracts are returned based on the shared unique census identifier between the two census tract tables.

You can visit the following references for a full list of SQLite functions and Spatialite functions. As it’s designed to be “Lite”, SQLite contains a smaller subset of the SQL standard. Spatialite contains a pretty full range of OGC spatial SQL functions, but there are instances where it deviates from the standard. PostgreSQL / PostGIS provides a greater range of functions that adhere more closely to the standard; it also provides you with greater storage, efficiency, and processing power. As a file-based database, SQLite / Spatialite’s strengths are that it’s compact and transportable, and gives you the option to write SQL rather than relying solely on the point and click tools of a desktop GIS package.

In addition to the QGIS DB Manager, you could also use the Spatialite command line tools provided by the developer, and the Spatialite GUI (graphic user interface) that gives you a standard, stand-alone database interface. Downloading it is a bit confusing; Windows users can grab one of the binaries at the bottom of this page. If you’re a Linux person, search for it in your package manager. Mac users can get it via Homebrew.

USGS Topographic Vector Layers

USGS Topo Map Vector Layers for GIS

I was working with a graduate student last month who was looking for contour lines for specific towns within the US, for large-scale (small area) mapping and analysis. They were specifically interested in elevation for landfills, and some of the contour data they found didn’t map these as they aren’t natural features. We looked at current USGS topographic maps, and they do indeed map contours for landfills. But the topo maps are raster images, and they wanted vectors. Is it possible to access the underlying GIS data that was used to create the topo maps?

Indeed, it is! Option 1 is to use the National Map Download app. Search for a place name to zoom into your area of interest. Use the Show Map Index dropdown menu to draw the quad boundaries for the topo scale you’re interested in on the map; the 7.5 minute / 1:24,000 series is the USGS topo scale that most people are familiar with. Adjust the zoom so your area of interest fits within the map window; that way when you search in the Datasets tab on the left, the default search looks within this map extent.

Next, choose the specific data product you’re interested in. Here’s a list and description of all the National Map Datasets. For example, if you just wanted contour lines, you can select that under Small-scale Datasets. Note that raster imagery and data that’s used to derive the vectors is also available for download. If you want all the vector features that appear on a particular topo map, check the Topo Map Data and Topo Stylesheet option. Once you check a product, you can choose a file format for the data. Given the size of these datasets, the FileGDB option is probably best.

USGS TNM Download
The National Map Download Interface, Showing the Datasets Tab for Selecting and Searching

Then, click the blue Search Products button. That flips you to the Products tab, and displays data available within the extent of the map view. If you chose Topo Map Data and Topo Stylesheet, the results will be maps of individual quads. You can add a bunch of maps to your shopping cart by clicking on the little cart icon, or download one immediately by clicking the Download Link (ZIP).

USGS Download Topo Map Vector Data
On the Product Tab, click Download Link (ZIP) to get data for a specific map

Option 2 for downloading data: skip the map interface and use the Stage Products Directory. This no frills option is good if you know exactly which products you’re looking for. For example, you can drill down through TopoMapVector, then by state, and then data format to get to the same files you would have downloaded via option 1. You would need to know the name of the quad that encompasses the area you want; consult an index to figure it out.

Once you download and unzip the file, you can launch your desktop GIS package to connect to the database and view the contents. In ArcGIS Pro, use the Catalog Pane, select the Databases option, right click, and Add Database. Browse to the location where you unzipped it, and select it. Then hit the dropdown for the newly added database and browse the contents, which are divided into schemas or groups. Foundation and Hydrography contain most of the features. GazVector has place name labels not captured in other features, and Cells contains outlines of the quad grid cells. Drag them into the Map Pane to view them.

USGS Topo Vector Data in ArcGIS Pro
USGS Topo Map Vector Data in ArcGIS Pro

QGIS users can use the Data Source Manager. With the Vector option selected, change the Source Type from File to Directory, and in the Type dropdown choose OpenFileGDB. Then hit the dots button to browse your file system and select the database folder. Click Add, and you’ll be prompted to choose layers and tables to add to a project. You’ll see the same schema organization described previously, and you can use the CTRL and / or Shift keys to select what you want. Add the Layers, hit OK, and close the Manager.

Adding File Geodatabase Features to QGIS
Adding File Geodatabase Features in the QGIS Data Source Manager

From there, it takes some artful manipulation of the overlays, color schemes, and labels to clearly symbolize the features. Both ArcGIS and QGIS have default symbol styles for topographic features that you can choose from. Apparently there’s a stylesheet packaged with the data, but I haven’t dug in enough yet to find and apply it. The attributes for the features seem fairly rich; the table includes columns that indicate the original data source for each feature, dates when records were added or updated, and a number of identifiers, labels, and categories. Some of the features, like bodies of water and county boundaries, extend beyond the quad cell for the map, as the USGS opted to keep whole features rather than clipping them. If the area you’re interested in happens to fall across two maps, you can download the topo map vector data for both quads, and use the Merge tool to combine them. The default CRS is un-projected NAD83 (EPSG 4269). You’ll probably want to reproject to a state plane or UTM zone that’s appropriate for your area. These post that describe styling and labeling contour lines in QGIS and ArcGIS Pro are helpful. Happy mapping!

USGS Topo Vector Data in QGIS
USGS Topo Map Vector Data in QGIS

Raster Temperature Jan 1, 2020 Southern NE

Summarizing Raster Data for Areas and Assigning Values to Points

It’s been a busy few months, but I have a few days to catch my breath now that it’s spring break and most people (except me) have gone away! One question that’s come up quite a bit this semester is how to associate raster data with coinciding vector data. I’ll summarize some approaches in this post using ArcGIS Pro and QGIS, to summarize raster values for polygons (zonal statistics) and to assign raster values to points (aka raster sampling).

Zonal Statistics: Summarize Rasters by Area

Imagine that you have quantitative values such as temperature or a vegetation index in a raster grid, and you want to use this data to calculate an average for counties or metro areas. The goal is to have a new attribute column in the vector layer that contains the summarized raster value, perhaps because you want to make thematic maps of that value, or you want to use it in conjunction with other variables to run spatial statistics, or you just want a plain and simple summary for given places.

The term zonal statistics is used to define any operation that calculates statistics on cell values of a raster within an area or zone defined by another dataset, either a raster or a vector. The ArcGIS Pro toolbox has a Zonal Statistics tool where the output is a new raster file with cells that are summarized by the input zones. That’s not desirable for the use case I’m presenting here; the better choice is the Zonal Statistics as Table tool. The output is a table containing the unique identifiers of the raster and vector, the summary stats you’ve generated (average, sum, min, max, etc), and a count of the number of cells used to generate the summary. You can join this resulting table back to the vector file using their common unique identifier in a table join.

In the example below, I’m using counties from the census TIGER files for southern New England as my Input Feature Zone, the AFFGEOID (Census ANSI / FIPS code) to identify the Zone Field, and a temperature grid for January 1, 2020 from PRISM as the Input Value Raster. I’m calculating the mean temperature for the counties on that day.

ArcGIS Zonal Statistics as Table Tool
ArcGIS Pro Zonal Statistics as Table; Temperature Grid and Southern New England Counties

The output table consists of one record for each zone / county, with the count of the cells used to create the average, and the mean temperature (in degrees Celsius). This table can be joined back to the original vector feature (select the county feature in the Contents, right click, Joins and Relates – Join) to thematically map the average temp.

ArcGIS Zonal Statistics Result
ArcGIS Pro Zonal Statistics; Table Output and Join to Show Average Temperature per County

In QGIS, this tool is simply called Zonal Statistics; search for it in the Processing toolbox. The vector with the zones is the Input layer, and the Raster layer is the grid with the values. By default the summary stats are the count, sum, and mean, but you can check the Statistics to calculate box to select others. Unlike ArcGIS, QGIS allows you to write output as a table or a new shapefile / geopackage, which carries along the feature geometry from the Input zones and adds the summaries, allowing you to skip the step of having to do a table join (if you opted to create a table, you could join it to the zones using the Joins tab under the Properties menu for the vector features).

QGIS Zonal Stats
QGIS Zonal Statistics

Extract Raster Values for Point Features

Zonal stats allows you to summarize raster data within a polygon. But what if you had point features, and wanted to assign each point the value of the raster cell that it falls within? In ArcGIS Pro, search the toolbox for the Extract Values to Points tool. You select your input points and raster, and a new point feature that will include the raster values. The default is to take the value for the cell that the point falls within, but there is an Interpolate option that will calculate the value from adjacent cells. The output point feature contains a new column called RASTERVALU. I created some phony point data and used it to generate the output below.

ArcGIS Extract Values to Points
ArcGIS Pro Extract Values to Points (assign raster cell values to points)

In QGIS the name of this tool is Sample raster values, which you can find in the Processing toolbox. Input the points, choose a raster layer, and write the output to a new vector point file. Unlike ArcGIS, there isn’t an option for interpolation from surrounding cells; you simply get the value for the cell that the point falls within. If you needed to interpolate, you can go to the Plugins menu, enable the SAGA plugin, and in the Processing toolbox try the SAGA tool Raster Values to Points instead.

QGIS Sample Raster Values
QGIS Sample Raster Values (assign raster cell values to points)

A variation on this theme would be to create and assign an average value around each point at a given distance, such as the average temperature within five miles. One way to achieve this would be to use the buffer tools in either ArcGIS or QGIS to create distinct buffers around each point at the specified distance. The buffer will automatically carry over all the attributes from the point features, including unique identifiers. Then you can run the zonal statistics tools against the buffer polygons and raster to compute the average, and if need be do a table join between the output table and the original point layer using their common identifier.


In using any of these tools, it’s important to consider the resolution of the raster (i.e. the size of the grid cell):

1. Relative to the size of the zonal areas or number of points, and

2. In relation to the phenomena that you’re studying.

When larger grid cells or zonal areas are used for measurement, any phenomena becomes more generalized, and any variations within these large areas become masked. The temperature grid cells in this example had a resolution of 2.5 miles, which was suitable for creating county summaries. Summarizing data for census tracts at this resolution would be less ideal, as the tracts are much smaller than the cells, with the cell value characterizing a much larger area. This might be okay in the case of temperature, which tends not to vary considerably over a distance of a few miles. In contrast, averaging temperature data for states is not worthwhile, as states vary considerably in size and most are large enough that they contain multiple ecosystems and elevation levels.

The solutions I’ve described here are the desktop GIS solutions. You could also use either spatial SQL in a geodatabase or a spatial extension in a scripting language like Python or R to perform similar operations. In both cases a basic overlay and intersection statement is used, in conjunction with some grouping function for calculating summaries. I’ve been doing a lot more spatial Python work with geopandas these past few months – perhaps a topic for a subsequent post…

Noise Complaint Kernels and Contours

Kernel Density and Contours in QGIS: Noisy NYC

In spatial analysis, kernel density estimation (colloquially referred to as a type of “hot spot analysis”) is used to explore the intensity or clustering of point-based events. Crimes, parking tickets, traffic accidents, bird sightings, forest fires, incidents of infections disease, anything that you can plot as a point at a specific period in time can be studied using KDE. Instead of looking at these features as a distribution of discrete points, you generate a raster that represents a continuous surface of values. You can either measure the density of the incidents themselves, or the concentration of a specific attribute that is tied to those incidents (like the dollar amount of parking tickets or the number of injuries in traffic accidents).

In this post I’ll demonstrate how to do a KDE analysis in QGIS, but you can easily implement KDE in other software like ArcGIS Pro or R. Understanding the inputs you have to provide to produce a meaningful result is more important than the specific tool. This YouTube video produced by the SEER Lab at the University of Florida helped me understand what these inputs are. They used the SAGA kernel tool within QGIS, but I’ll discuss the regular QGIS tool and will cover some basic data preparation steps when working with coordinate data. The video illustrates a KDE based on a weight, where there were single points that had a count-based attribute they wanted to interpolate (number of flies in a trap). In this post I’ll cover simple density based on the number of incidents (individual noise complaints), and will conclude by demonstrating how to generate contour lines from the KDE raster.

For a summary of how KDE works, take a look at the entry for “Kernel” in the Encyclopedia of Geographic Information Science (2007) p 247-248. For a fuller treatment, I always recommend Christopher Lloyd’s Spatial Data Analysis: An Introduction to GIS Users (2010) p 93-97 by Oxford Press. There’s also an explanation in the ArcGIS Pro documentation.

Data Preparation

I visited the NYC Open Data page and pulled up the entry for 311 Service Requests. When previewing the data I used the filter option to narrow the records down to a small subset; I chose complaints that were created between June 1st and 30th 2022, where the complaint type began with “Noise”, which gave me about 75,000 records (it’s a noisy town). Then I hit the Export button and chose one of the CSV formats. CSV is a common export option from open data portals; as long as you have columns that contain latitude and longitude coordinates, you will be able to plot the records. The NYC portal allows you to filter up front; other data portals like the ones in Philly and DC package data into sets of CSV files for each year, so if you wanted to apply filters you’d use the GIS or stats package to do that post-download. If shapefiles or geoJSON are provided, that will save you the step of having to plot coordinates from a CSV.

NYC Open Data 311 Service Requests

With the CSV, I launched QGIS, went to the Data Source Manager, and selected Delimited Text. Browsed for the file I downloaded, gave the layer a common sense name, and under geometry specified Point coordinates, and confirmed that the X field was my longitude column and the Y field was latitude. Ran the tool, and the points were plotted in the basic WGS 84 longitude / latitude system in degrees, which is the system the coordinates in the data file were in (generally a safe bet for modern coordinate data, but not always the case).

QGIS Add Delimited Text and Plot Coordinates

The next step was to save these plotted points in a file format that stores geometry and allows us to do spatial analysis. In doing that step, I recommend taking two additional ones. First, verify that all of the plotted data have coordinates – if there are any records where lat and long are missing, those records will be carried along into the spatial file but there will be no geometry for them, which will cause problems. I used the Select Features by Expression tool, and in the expression window typed “Latitude” is not null to select all the features that have coordinates.

QGIS Select by Expression

Second, transform the coordinate reference system (CRS) of the layer to a projected system that uses meters or feet. When we run the kernel tool, it will ask us to specify a radius for defining the density, as well as the size of the pixels for the output raster. Using degrees doesn’t make sense, as it’s hard for us to conceptualize distances in degrees, and they are not a constant unit of measurement. If you’ve googled around and read Stack Exchange posts or watched videos where a person says “You just have to experiment and adjust these numbers until your map looks Ok”, they were working with units in fractions of degrees. This is not smart. Transform the system of your layers!

I selected the layer, right clicked, Export, Save Selected Features As. The default output is a geopackage, which is fine. Otherwise you could select ESRI shapefile, both are vector formats that store geometry. For file name I browse … and save the file in a specific folder. Beside CRS I hit the globe button, and in the CRS Selector window typed NAD83 Long Island in the filter at the top, and at the bottom I selected the NAD83 / New York Long Island (ftUS) EPSG 2263 option system in the list. Every state in the US has one or more state plane zones that you can select for making optimal maps for that area, in feet or meters. Throughout the world, you could choose an appropriate UTM zone that covers your area in meters. For countries or continents, look for an equidistant projection (meters again).

QGIS Export – Save As

Clicked a series of Oks to create the new file. To reset my map window to match CRS of the new file, I selected that file, right clicked, Layer CRS, Set Project CRS from Layer. Removed my original CSV to avoid confusion, and saved my project.

QGIS Noise Complaints in Projected CRS

Kernel Density Estimation

Now our data is ready. Under the Processing menu I opened the toolbox and searched for kernel to find Heatmap (Kernel Density Estimation) under the Interpolation tools. The tool asks for an input point layer, and then a radius. The radius is used to define an area for calculating a local density estimate around each point. We can use a formula to determine an ideal radius; the hopt method seems to be commonly employed for this purpose.

To use the hopt formula, we need to know the standard distance for our layer, which measures the degree to which features are dispersed around the spatial mean or center of the distribution. A nice 3rd party plugin was created for calculating this. I went to the the plugins menu, searched for the Standard Distance plugin, and added it. Searched for it in the Processing toolbox and launched it. I provided my point layer for input, and specified an output file. The other fields are optional (if we were measuring an attribute of the points instead of the density of the points, we could specify the attribute as a weight column). The output layer consists of a circle where the center is the mean center of the distribution, and the circle represents the standard deviation. The attribute table contains one record, with the standard distance attribute of 36,046.18 feet (if no feature was created, the likely problem is you have records in the point file that don’t have geometry – delete them and try again).

Output from the Standard Distance Plugin

Knowing this, I used the hopt formula:


Where N is the number of features and SD is the standard distance. I used Excel to plug in these values and do the calculation.

((2/(374526))^0.25)36046.18 = 1971.33

Finally, I launched the heatmap kernel tool, specified my noise points as input, and the radius as 1,971 feet. The output raster size does take some experimentation. The larger the pixel size, the coarser or more general the resolution will be. You want to choose something that makes sense based on the size of the area, the number of points, and / or some other contextual information. Just like the radius, the units are based on the map units of your layer. If I type in 100 feet for Pixel X, I see I’ll have a raster with 1,545 rows and 1,565 columns. Change it to 200 feet, and I get 773 by 783. I’ll go with 200 feet (the distance between a “standard” numbered street block in midtown Manhattan). I kept the defaults for the other options.

QGIS Heatmap Kernel Density Estimation Window

The resulting raster was initially displayed in black and white. I opened the properties and symbology menu and changed the render type from Singleband gray to Singleband pseudocolor, and kept the default yellow to red scheme. Voila!

Kernel Density Estimate of NYC Noise Complaints June 2022

In June 2022 there were high clusters of noise complaints in north central Brooklyn, northern Manhattan, and the southwest portion of the Bronx. There’s a giant red hot spot in the north central Bronx that looks like the storm on planet Jupiter. What on earth is going on there? I flipped back to the noise point layer and selected points in that area, and discovered a single address where over 2,700 noise complaints about a loud party were filed on June 18 and 19! There’s also an address on the adjacent block that registered over 900 complaints. And yet the records do not appear to be duplicates, as they have different time stamps and closing dates. A mistake in coding this address, multiple times? A vengeful person spamming the 311 system? Or just one helluva loud party? It’s hard to say, but beware of garbage in, garbage out. Beyond this demo, I would spend more time investigating, would try omitting these complaints as outliers and run the heatmap tool again, and compare this output to different months. It’s also worth experimenting with the color classification scheme, and some different pixel sizes.

Kernel Results Zoomed In

Contour Lines

Another interesting way to visualize this data would be to generate contour lines based on the kernel output. I did a search for contour in the processing toolbox, and in the contour tool I provided the kernel noise raster as the input. For intervals between contour lines I tried 20 feet, and changed the attribute name to reflect what the contour represents: COMPLAINT instead of ELEV. Generated the new file, overlaid on top of the kernel, and now you can see how it represents the “elevation” of complaints.

Noise Complaint Kernel Density with Contour Lines

Switch the kernel off, symbolize the contours and add some labels, and throw the OpenStreetMap underneath, and now you can explore New York’s hills and valleys of noise. Or more precisely, the hills and valleys of noise complainers! In looking at these contours, it’s important to remember that they’re generated from the kernel raster’s grid cells and not from the original point layer. The raster is a generalization of the point layer, so it’s possible that if you look within the center of some of the denser circles you may not find, say, 340 or 420 actual point complaints. To generate a more precise set of contours, you would need to decrease the pixel size in the kernel tool (from say 200 feet to 100).

Noise Complaint Contours in Lower Manhattan, Northwest Brooklyn, and Long Island City

It’s interesting what you can create with just one set of points as input. Happy mapping!

QGIS Example

QGIS 3.16 Tutorial Workbook

I just released a new edition of my introductory QGIS manual for QGIS 3.16 Hannover (the current long term release), and as always I’m providing it under Creative Commons for classroom use and self-directed learning. I’ve also updated my QGIS FAQs handout, which is useful for new folks as a quick reference. This material will eventually move to a Brown University website, but when that happens I’ll still hold on to my page and will link to the new spot. I’m also leaving the previous version of the tutorial written for QGIS 3.10 A Coruna up alongside it, but will pull that down when the fall semester begins.

The new edition has a new title. When I first wrote Introduction to GIS Using Open Source Software, free and open source (FOSS) GIS was a novelty in higher ed. QGIS was a lot simpler, and I had to pull in several different tools to accomplish basic tasks like CRS transformations and calculating natural breaks. Ten years later, many university libraries and labs with GIS services either reference or support QGIS, and the package is infinitely more robust. So a name change to simply Introduction to GIS with QGIS seemed overdue.

My move from Baruch CUNY to Brown prompted me to make several revisions in this version. The biggest change was swapping the NYC-based business site selection example with a Rhode Island-based public policy one in chapters 2 and 3. The goal of the new hypothetical example is to identify public libraries in RI that meet certain criteria that would qualify them to receive funding for after school programs for K-12 public school students (replacing the example of finding an optimal location for a new coffee shop in NYC). In rethinking the examples I endeavored to introduce the same core concepts: attribute table joins, plotting coordinates, and geoprocessing. In this version I do a better job of illustrating and differentiating between creating subsets of features by: selecting by attributes and location, filtering (a new addition), and deleting features. I also managed to add spatial joins and calculated fields to the mix.

Changes to chapter 4 (coordinate reference systems and thematic mapping) were modest; I swapped out the 2016 voter participation data with 2020 data. I slimmed down Chapter 5 on data sources and tutorials, but added an appendix that lists web mapping services that you can add as base maps. Some material was shuffled between chapters, and all in all I cut seven pages from the document to slim it down a bit.

As always, there were minor modifications to be made due to changes between software versions. There were two significant changes. First, QGIS no longer supports 32 bit operating systems for Windows; it’s 64 bit or nothing, but that seems to be fairly common these days. Second, the Windows installer file is much bigger (and thus slower to download), but it helps insure that all dependencies are there. Otherwise, the differences between 3.16 and 3.10 are not that great, at least for the basic material I cover. In the past there was occasionally a lack of consistency regarding basic features and terminology that you’d think would be well settled, but thankfully things are pretty stable this time around.

If you have any feedback or spot errors feel free to let me know. I imagine I’ll be treading this ground again after the next long term release take’s 3.16’s place in Feb / Mar 2022. For the sake of stability I always stick with the long term release and forego the latest ones; if you’re going to use this tutorial I’d recommend downloading the LTR version and not the latest one.

OSM Web Feature Service

OpenStreetMap Data with ArcGIS Pro and QGIS

A couple years ago I wrote a post that demonstrated how to use the QuickOSM plugin for QGIS to easily extract features from the OpenStreetMap (OSM). The OSM is a great source for free and open GIS data, especially for types of features that are not captured in government sources, and for parts of the world that don’t possess a free or robust GIS data infrastructure. I’ve been using ArcGIS Pro more extensively in my new job and was wondering how I could do the same thing: query features from the OSM based on keys and values (denoting feature type) and geographic area and extract them as a vector layer. I’m looking for straightforward solutions that I could use for answering questions from students (so no command line tricks or database stuff). In this post I’ll cover three approaches for achieving this in ArcGIS Pro, with references to QGIS.

File Approach

The most straightforward method would be to export data directly from the main OSM page by zooming into an area and hitting the Export button. This is a pretty blunt approach, as you have to be zoomed in pretty close and you grab every possible feature in the view. The “native” file format of OSM is the osm / pbf format; .osm is an XML file while .pbf is a compressed binary version of the osm. QGIS is able to handle these files directly; you just add them as a vector layer. ArcGIS Pro cannot. You have to download and install a special Data Interoperability extension, which is an esoteric thing that’s not part of the standard package and requires a special license from your site license coordinator.

A better and more targeted approach is to download pre-created extracts that are provided by a number of organizations listed in the OSM wiki. I started with Geofabrik in Germany, as it was a source I recognized. They package OSM data by geographic area and feature type. On their main page they list files that contain all features for each of the continents. These are enormous files, and as such they are only provided in the osm pbf format as shapefiles can’t effectively handle data that size. Even if you downloaded the osm pbf files and added them to QGIS, the software will struggle to render something that big.

But all is not lost; Geofabrik and many other providers package data in a shapefile format for smaller areas, provided that the size and number of features is not too great. For instance, on Geofabrik’s download page if you click on North America you’re presented with country extracts for that continent (see images below). You can get shapefiles for Greenland and Mexico, but not Canada or the US as the files are still too big. Click on US, and you’re presented with files for each of the states. No luck for California (too big), but the rest of states are small enough that you can get shapefiles for all of them.

Geofabrik OSM data: download continents
Default Geofrabrik OSM download page for continents. Click on a continent name…
Geofabrik OSM data downloads: countries in North America
…to access files for countries. Click on a country name…
Geofabrik OSM data downloads: states of the US
…to access files for states / provinces / admin divisions

I downloaded and unzipped the file for Rhode Island. It contains a number of individual shapefiles classified by type of feature: buildings, land use, natural, places, places of worship (pofw), points of interest (pois), railways, roads, traffic, transport, water, and waterways. Many of the files appear twice: files with an “a” suffix represent polygons (areas) while files without that suffix are points or lines. Some OSM features are stored as polygons when such detail is available, while others are represented as points.

For example, if I add the two places of workship files to a map, for some features you have the outline of the actual building, while for most you simply have a point. After adding the layers to the map, you’ll probably want to use Select by Attribute to select the features you want based on OSM tags with keys and values, and Select by Location in conjunction with a separate boundary file to pull data out for a smaller area. The Geofabrik OSM attribute table is limited to basic attributes: an OSM ID, feature code and class, and name. It’s also likely that you’ll want to unify the point and polygon features of the same type into one layer, as they’re usually mutually exclusive. Use the Centroid (Polygon) tool in the toolbox to turn the polygons into points, and the Merge tool to meld the two point layers together. In QGIS the comparable tools under the Vector menu are Centroids and Merge Vector Layers. WGS 84 is the default CRS for the layers.

ArcGIS Pro with OSM Places of Worship from Geofabrik
OSM Places of Worship. Some features are stored as points while others are polygons

Geofabrik is just one option. There are several others and they take different approaches for structuring their extracts. For example, BBBike.org organizes their layers by city for over 200 cities around the world, and they provide a number of additional formats beyond OSM PBF and shapefiles, such as Garmin GPS, GeoJSON, and CSV. They divide the data into fewer files, and if they don’t compile data for the area you’re interested in you can use a web-based tool to create a custom extract.

Plugin Approach

It would be nice to use a plugin, as that would allow you to specify a custom geographic area and retrieve just the specific features you want. QuickOSM works quite nicely for QGIS. Fortunately there is a good ArcGIS Pro solution called OSMquery. It works for both Pro and Desktop, tested for Pro 2.2 and Desktop 10.6. I’m using Pro 2.7 and the basic tool worked fine. It’s well documented, with good instructions for installation and use.

The plugin is written in Python and you add it as a tool to your ArcToolbox. Download the repo from the OSMquery GitHub as a ZIP file (click the green code button and choose Download ZIP). Save it in or near your ArcGIS project folders, and unzip it. In Pro, go into a project and open a Catalog Pane in the View ribbon. Right click on Toolbox to add a new one, and browse to the folder you unzipped to add the tool. There are two scripts in the box, a basic and an advanced version. The basic tool functioned without trouble for me. The advanced tool threw an error, probably some Python dependency issue (I didn’t investigate as the basic tool met my needs).

In the basic tool you choose the key and value for the features you want to extract; the dropdown menu is automatically populated with these options. For the geographic extent you can enter a place name, or you can use the extent of the current map window or of a layer in the project, or you can manually type in bounding box coordinates. Another nice option is you can transform the CRS of the extracted features from WGS 84 to another system, so it matches the CRS of layers in your existing project. Run the tool, and the features are extracted. If the features exist as both points and polygons, you get two separate files for each. If you choose, you can merge them together as described in the previous section; this is a bit tougher as the plugin approach yields a much wider selection of fields in the attribute table, and not all of the point and polygon attributes align. With the Merge tool in Pro you can select which attributes you want to hold on to, and common ones will be merged. QGIS is a bit messier in this regard, but in my earlier post I outlined a work-around using a spatial database.

OSMquery tool in ArcGIS Pro
The basic OSMquery tool in an ArcGIS Pro toolbox

Web Feature Service

This initially seemed to be the most promising route, but it turned out to be a dud. Like QGIS, Pro allows you to add OSM as a tiled base map. But ESRI also offers OSM as a web feature service: by hitting Add Data on the Map ribbon and searching the Living Atlas for “OpenStreetMap” you can select from a number of OSM web feature services, organized by continent and feature type. Once you add them to a map, you can select and click on individual features to see their name and feature type. The big problem is that you are not allowed to extract features from these layers, which leaves you with an enormous and heterogeneous mix of features for an entire continent. You can interact with the features, selecting by attribute and location in reference to other spatial layers, but that’s about it.

OSM web feature service in ArcGIS Pro
OSM web feature service in ArcGIS Pro

In Summary

I would recommend taking the step of downloading the OSMquery plugin for ArcGIS Pro if you want to take a highly targeted approach to OSM feature extraction (for QGIS users, enable the QuickOSM plugin). This approach is also best if you can’t download a pre-existing extract for your area because it’s too large or has too many features, and if you want to access the fullest possible range of attribute values. Otherwise, you can simply download one of the pre-created extracts, and use your software to winnow it down to what you need (or if you do need everything, the file approach makes more sense). Since the file-based option includes fewer attributes, converting polygon features to points and merging them with the other point features is a bit simpler.