
Map of Avg Temperature by County Mar 2024

Historic County Climate Data for the US

I recently had a question about finding historic climate data in the United States at the county-level. In this post I’ll show you how to access it, and how to parse fixed-width text files in Excel. Weather data is captured and reported by point-based weather stations, and then is often interpolated and modeled over gridded surfaces (rasters). The National Centers for Environmental Information at NOAA have used their models to create zonal statistics for counties, which they publish via the Climate at a Glance County Mapping program (I described what zonal statistics are in an earlier post).

The basic application lets you map the continental US or an individual state (includes AK but not HI). You choose a parameter (Avg / Min / Max temperature, precipitation, cooling / heating days, drought indexes), year (1895 to present), month, and time scale (1 month to 5 years). This creates a map that you can modify to depict that value, or to display ranks or anomalies. You can download the map as an image, or the underlying data as CSV or JSON.

A separate app allows you to create a time series profile for a particular county, with a table, chart, and data that you can download.

These apps are great for the basics, but bulk downloading the underlying data for all counties and years is a bit trickier. You crash land in a file directory and have to choose from an array of zipped files. Fortunately there is good documentation. In that folder, these are the county-level files for precipitation, min temp, max temp, and avg temp:

  • climdiv-pcpncy-vx.y.z-YYYYMMDD
  • climdiv-tmaxcy-vx.y.z-YYYYMMDD
  • climdiv-tmincy-vx.y.z-YYYYMMDD
  • climdiv-tmpccy-vx.y.z-YYYYMMDD

Where v is for “version”, the xyz is a version number, and the final portion is the date. The archive is updated monthly. The other files in the directory are for climate divisions, states and regions, and data that pertains to the drought indexes. There are also files that have climate normals for each of these areas. If you’re interested in these, you can go up to the parent-level directory and view the relevant documentation.

The county files are fixed-width text files, which means you have to parse them to separate the values. If you treat them as delimited files (using spaces), then all of the fields at the beginning of the file will be lumped together, which is not useful. Spreadsheets and stats packages have tools for importing delimited text, or you could script something in Python or R. Modern versions of Excel will allow you to parse fixed-width data by supplying a list of endpoints for each column; older versions of Excel and other spreadsheets have you “eyeball” the columns and manually insert breaks in an import screen.

If you’re using a modern version of Excel: open a blank workbook and on the Data ribbon click the From Text/CSV button. Browse and select the county text file you’ve downloaded. In the import screen change the Delimiter drop down to Fixed Width.

In the box underneath, begin with zero and type the end points for each position (with the exception of the final endpoint, 95) as a comma separated list. You’ll find these in the README file, but I’ve also tacked on the most salient bits to the end of this post. For your convenience:


If you click on the preview grid, it will parse the columns.

In this example, I’m not parsing the state and county code separately, but am keeping them together to create a single unique identifier. Once everything is parsed, hit the Transform Data button. For column 1, hit the small 123 button, and change the option to Text, and choose Replace data.

This will preserve the leading zero in the state/county code. It’s important to do this, so the codes in this table with match the codes in other county data table or spatial data files that you may wish to join this table to. Do the same for the element code in column 2. The remaining Year and Month columns can be left alone, as they’re already appropriately saved as integers and decimals respectively.

Hit the Close and Load button in the upper left hand corner, and Excel will parse and load the data. It formats the columns and applies a filter option. To get rid of the styling and filter dropdowns, I’d copy the entire table, and do a Paste-Special-Values in a new worksheet. Then replace the generic column labels with these:


Save the file, and now you have something to work with. Each record represents the monthly temperature or precipitation for a particular county for a particular year. To create a unique record ID, you can concatenate the state/county code, element code, and year values. For GIS applications, you would need to pivot the data to a wide form, so that the year becomes a column to give you month-year as a column, and each row represents each county with no repeats. With over 120 years of monthly data, that would give you over 1500 columns – so filter out what you don’t need. The state / county code can be used to join the table to the Census Bureau’s Cartographic Boundary Files, using the CBF’s GEOID field.

When would you use this data? If you’re creating data profiles or are running a statistical analysis and are using counties as your geographic unit, and temperature or precipitation is one variable among many that you need. Or, you’re making a series of county-level maps, and this is one of your variables. This dataset is clearly pretty convenient for doing time series analyses, as compiling data for a times series is usually time consuming. The counties in this dataset represent present day boundaries, so normalizing geography over time isn’t necessary.

When not to use it? Counties vary in size and can encompass a great deal of internal variety in terms of elevation, land use and land cover, and proximity to / presence of water bodies, all of which impact the climate. So the weather in one part of a county could be quite different from another part. To capture these internal differences, it would be better to use gridded data, such as the 4×4 km rasters that PRISM produces for daily, monthly, annual, and normal summaries.

Gridded climate data and zonal stats derived from grids are estimates based on models; if you wanted or needed the actual measurements as they were recorded, you would need to go back and get point-based weather station data, from the Local Climatological Database for instance. There are a limited number of stations, and not one for every county. The closest station to a given place could be used to represent or approximate the weather for that place.

Codebook for county data files (extracted from README):

Element Record
Name Position Element Description
STATE-CODE 1-2 as indicated in State Code Table as described in FILE 1. Range of values is 01-48.
DIVISION-NUMBER 3-5 COUNTY FIPS - Range of values 001-999.
01 = Precipitation
02 = Average Temperature
25 = Heating Degree Days
26 = Cooling Degree Days
27 = Maximum Temperature
28 = Minimum Temperature
YEAR 8-11 This is the year of record. Range is 1895 to current year processed. 
Monthly Divisional Temperature format (f7.2) Range of values -50.00 to 140.00 degrees Fahrenheit. Decimals retain a position in the 7-character field.  Missing values in the latest year are indicated by -99.99.

Monthly Divisional Precipitation format (f7.2) Range of values 00.00 to 99.99.  Decimal point retains a position in the 7-character field. Missing values in the latest year are indicated by -9.99.













SQL in QGIS Database Manager

Spatial SQL with Spatialite and QGIS

I’ve recently given a few presentations on the Ocean State Spatial Database, which is a basic geodatabase for Rhode Island that we’ve created in our lab. The database was designed so that new and experienced users alike could easily access a curated collection of foundational layers and data tables for thematic mapping and geospatial analysis. The database is available for download on GitHub, and there is documentation that describes the layers and tables that are included. The database comes in two formats: SQLite/ Spatialite that’s great for QGIS, and a File Geoadatabase version for ArcGIS Pro users.

One of the big advantages of using the Spatialite database in QGIS is that you can take advantage of the Database Manager, and write SQL and spatial SQL queries for selecting records and doing spatial analysis. Instead of using a series of point and click tools that create a bunch of new files, you can write a single block of code to perform an entire operation, and you can save that code to document your work. Access the Database Manager above the toolbars at the top of the QGIS interface. Once you’re in, you can select the Spatialite option, right click and then browse your file system to point to the database to establish a connection. At the top of the DB Manager is a button (piece of paper with wrench) to open a SQL query window.

Database Manager in QGIS with SQL Window Open

The following commands are basic SQL: SELECT some columns FROM some tables WHERE some criteria is met. This returns all rows and columns from the public libraries layer in the database:

FROM d_public_libraries;

This returns just some of the columns for all rows:

SELECT libid, libname, city, cnty
FROM d_public_libraries;

While this returns some of the columns and rows that meet specific criteria, in this case where libraries are located in Providence County, RI:

SELECT libid, libname, city, cnty, geom
FROM d_public_libraries
ORDER BY city;

Traditional database column types include strings (aka text), integers, and decimal numbers, which limit the values that can be stored in the column, and allow specific functions that can operate on values of that type (math on numeric columns, string operations on text columns). Beyond the basic data types, many databases have special ones, such as date types that allow you to store and manipulate dates and times as distinct objects.

Spatial databases incorporate special columns for storing the geometry of features as strings of coordinates, and provide functions that can operate on that geometry. In the example above, the values stored in the geometry column were returned in a binary format. But we can apply a spatial function called ST_AsText to display the geometry as readable text:

SELECT libid, libname, city, cnty, ST_AsText(geom) AS geom
FROM d_public_libraries
ORDER BY city;

We can see that this is point geometry (as opposed to lines or polygons), and we have an X and Y coordinate for each point. The layers in this database are in the Rhode Island State Plane System, so the coordinates that are returned are in that system. We can convert these to longitude and latitude using the ST_Transform function:

SELECT libid, libname, city, cnty, ST_AsText(ST_Transform(geom,4269)) AS geom
FROM d_public_libraries
ORDER BY city;

This illustrates that the functions can be nested, first we transform the geometry and then display the result of that function as text. The number in the transform function is the unique identifier of the spatial reference system that we wish to transform the geometry to. In the open source world these are EPSG codes, and 4269 is the identifier for NAD 83, the basic long / lat system for North America (alternatively, we could use 4326 for WGS 84, the standard global long / lat system). The geometry column in a spatial table is connected to a series of internal tables that store all the definitions of the spatial reference systems. You can view the spatial reference system table:

SELECT * from spatial_ref_sys;

You can also get a read out of all the spatial tables in the database which include their type of geometry and the spatial reference system (3438 is the EPSG code for the RI State Plane zone, geometry of type 6 is a multipolygon, while type 1 is a point):

SELECT * from geometry_columns;

With a spatial database, you perform operations within and between tables by running functions against the geometry columns. For example, to return all public libraries and schools that are within a mile of a library while measuring the distance:

SELECT pl.libid, pl.libname, s.name, s.grade_span, ST_Distance(pl.geom, s.geom) AS dist
FROM d_public_libraries pl, d_schools_pk12 s
WHERE PtDistWithin(pl.geom, s.geom, 5280)
ORDER BY dist;

The ST_Distance function returns the actual distance in a new column, while the PtDistWithin function only returns libraries that have a school within one mile (5,280 feet – we have to express the measurement in the units used by the spatial reference system of both layers). In the FROM statement we provide aliases after each table name, so we can use those as shorthand (if our statement includes multiple tables, we need to indicate which table each column comes from).

You can also do summaries, like you would in standard SQL using GROUP BY. To count the number of schools that are within a mile of every library:

SELECT pl.libid, pl.libname, CAST(COUNT (s.name) AS integer) AS school_count, pl.geom
FROM d_public_libraries pl, d_schools_pk12 s
WHERE PtDistWithin(pl.geom, s.geom, 5280)
GROUP BY pl.libid, pl.libname, pl.geom
ORDER BY school_count DESC;

The rule for GROUP BY is that every column in the select statement must be used as a grouping variable, or has an aggregate function applied to it (COUNT, SUM, MEAN, etc). In this example we added the CAST function, which defines the data type for new columns that you create. Unless we explicitly declare it as an integer or real (decimal), values are returned as strings.

You can save your statements as views, by adding CREATE VIEW [view name] AS followed by the statement. Views are saved statements that appear as objects in the database; by opening a view, the statement is rerun and the result is returned. This approach works if you want to save a non-spatial view, i.e. a table without geometry. To save a spatial one with geometry, omit the VIEW statement and hit the Create a view button below the SQL window (each record must have a unique identifier and the geometry column in order for this to work). That registers the geometry column of the view in the database. Then, you can return to the main QGIS window, add the view and symbolize it. Alternatively, there is a Load as new layer button at the bottom of the screen, which allows you to see a temporary result without saving anything (while you can see features and records returned, you won’t be able to symbolize or manipulate the layer).

Count schools within 1 mile of libraries, and save as a spatial view
Symbolize the spatial query out in the main QGIS window

One of the primary reasons to use a database is to join related data stored in separate tables. This statement has two joins: a tabular join between the census tracts and an ACS data table, and a spatial join between the geometry of public libraries and tracts:

SELECT pl.libid, pl.libname, a.geoidshort, a.name, c.hshd01_e, c.hshd01_m
FROM d_public_libraries pl, a_census_tracts a
INNER JOIN c_tracts_acs2021_socecon c
ON a.geoidlong=c.geoidlong
WHERE ST_Intersects(pl.geom, a.geom);

This returns all public libraries and their intersecting tracts based on the relationship between their two geometries (could also have done ST_Within in this case to get the same result). Spatialite supports most of the spatial relationship functions defined by the OGC. The estimated number of households for these tracts are returned based on the shared unique census identifier between the two census tract tables.

You can visit the following references for a full list of SQLite functions and Spatialite functions. As it’s designed to be “Lite”, SQLite contains a smaller subset of the SQL standard. Spatialite contains a pretty full range of OGC spatial SQL functions, but there are instances where it deviates from the standard. PostgreSQL / PostGIS provides a greater range of functions that adhere more closely to the standard; it also provides you with greater storage, efficiency, and processing power. As a file-based database, SQLite / Spatialite’s strengths are that it’s compact and transportable, and gives you the option to write SQL rather than relying solely on the point and click tools of a desktop GIS package.

In addition to the QGIS DB Manager, you could also use the Spatialite command line tools provided by the developer, and the Spatialite GUI (graphic user interface) that gives you a standard, stand-alone database interface. Downloading it is a bit confusing; Windows users can grab one of the binaries at the bottom of this page. If you’re a Linux person, search for it in your package manager. Mac users can get it via Homebrew.

Comparing ACS Estimates Over Time: Are They Really Different?

I often get questions about comparing American Community Survey (ACS) estimates from the US Census Bureau over time. This process is more complicated than you’d think, as the ACS wasn’t designed as a time series dataset. The Census Bureau does publish comparative profile tables that compare two period estimates (in data.census.gov), but for a limited number of geographies (states, counties, metro areas).

For me, this question often takes the form of comparing change at the census tract-level for mapping and GIS projects. In this post, we’ll look at the primary considerations for comparing estimates over time, and I will walk through an example with spreadsheet formulas for calculating: change and percent change (estimates and margins of error), coefficients of variation, and tests for statistical difference. We’ll conclude with examples of mapping this data.

Primary considerations

  1. The ACS is published in 1-year and 5-year period estimates. 1-year estimates are only available for areas that have at least 65,000 people, which means if you’re looking at small geographies (census tracts, ZCTAs) or rural areas that have small populations (most counties, county subdivisions, places) you will need to use the 5-year series. When comparing 5-year estimates, you should only compare non-overlapping time periods. For example, you would not compare the 2021 ACS (2017-2021) with the 2020 ACS (2016-2020) as these estimates have four years of sample data in common. In contrast, 2021 and 2016 (2012-2016) could be compared as they do not overlap…
  2. …but, census geography changes over time. All statistical areas (block groups, tracts, ZCTAs, PUMAs, census designated-places, etc.) are updated every ten years with each decennial census. Areas can be re-numbered, aggregated, subdivided, or modified as populations change. This complicates comparisons; 2021 data uses geography created in 2020, while 2016 data uses geography from 2010. The only non-overlapping ACS periods with identical geographic areas would be 2014 (2010-2014) and 2019 (2015-2019). The only other alternative would be to use normalized census data, which involves additional work. While most legal areas (states, counties) can change at any time, they are generally more stable and you can make comparisons over a longer-period with modest adjustments.
  3. All ACS estimates are fuzzy, representing a midpoint within a possible range of values (indicated with a margin of error) at a 90% confidence level. Because of sampling variability, any difference that you see between one time period and the next could be noise and not actual change. If you’re working with small geographies or small population groups, you’ll encounter large margins of error and it will be difficult to measure actual change. In addition, it’s often difficult to detect change in any area that isn’t experiencing either substantive growth or decline.

ACS Formulas

Let’s look at an example where we’ll use formulas to: calculate change over time, measure the reliability of a difference estimate, and determine whether two estimates are significantly different. I downloaded table B25064 Median Gross Rent (dollars) from the 5-year 2014 (2010-2014) and 2019 (2015-2019) ACS for all census tracts in Providence County, RI, and stitched them together into one spreadsheet. In this post I’ve replaced the cell references with an abbreviated label that indicates what should be referenced (i.e. Est1_MOE is the margin of error for the first estimate). You can download a copy of the spreadsheet with these examples.

  1. To calculate the change / difference for an estimate, subtract one from the other.
  2. To calculate the margin of error for this difference, take the square root of the sum of the squares for each estimate’s margin of error (MOE):
Spreadsheet with ACS formula to compute margin of error for change / difference
  1. To calculate percent change, divide the difference by the earliest estimate (Est1), and multiply by 100.
  2. To calculate the margin of error for the percent change, use the ACS formula for computing a ratio:

Divide the 2nd estimate by the 1st and square it, multiply that by the square of the 1st estimate’s MOE, add that to the square of the 2nd estimate’s MOE. Take the square root of that result, then divide by the 1st estimate and multiply by 100. Note that this is formula for percent change is different from the one used for calculating a percent total (the latter uses the formula for a proportion; switch the plus symbol under the square root to a minus for percent totals).

Spreadsheet with ACS formula to compute margin of error for percent change / difference
  1. To characterize the overall accuracy of the new difference estimate, calculate its coefficient of variation (CV):

Divide the MOE for the difference by 1.645, which is the Z-value for a 90% confidence interval. Divide that by the difference itself, and multiply by 100. Since we can have positive or negative change, we take the absolute value of the result.

Spreadsheet with ACS formula to compute coefficient of variation
  1. To convert the CV into the generally recognized reliability categories:

If the CV value is between 0 to 12, then it’s considered to be highly reliable, else if the CV value is greater than or equal to 35 it’s considered to be of low reliability, else it is considered to be of medium reliability (between 13 and 34). Note: this is a conservative range; search around and you’ll find more liberal examples that use 0-15, 16-40, 41+.

  1. To measure whether two estimates are significantly different from each other, use the statistical difference formula:

Divide the MOE for both the 1st and 2nd estimate by 1.645 (Z value for 90% confidence), take the sum of their squares, and then square root. Subtract the 1st estimate from the 2nd, and then divide. Again in this case, since we could have a positive or negative value we take the absolute value.

Spreadsheet with ACS formula to compute significant difference
  1. To create a boolean significant or not value:

If the significant difference value is greater than 1.645, then the two estimates are significantly different from each other (TRUE 1), implying that some actual change occurred. Otherwise, the estimates are not significantly different (FALSE 0), which means any difference is likely the result of variability in the sample, or any true difference is hidden by this variability.

ALWAYS CHECK YOUR WORK! It’s easy to put parentheses in the wrong place or transpose a cell reference. Take one or two examples and plug them into Cornell PAD’s ACS Calculator, or into Fairfax County VA’s ACS Tools (spreadsheets with formulas – bottom of page). The Census Bureau also provides a spreadsheet that lets you test multiple values for significant difference. Caveat: for the Cornell calculator use the ratio option instead of change when testing. For some reason its change formula never matches my results, but the Fairfax spreadsheets do. I’ve also checked my formulas against the Census Bureau’s ACS Handbooks, and they clearly say to use the ratio formula for percent change.

Interpreting Results

Let’s take a look at a few of the records to understand the results. In Census Tract 1.01, median gross rent increased from $958 (+/- 125) in 2014 to $1113 (+/- 73) in 2019, a change of $155 (+/- 145) and a percent change of 16.2% (+/- 17%). The CV for the change estimate was 57, indicating that this estimate has low reliability; the margin of error is almost equal to the estimate, and the change could have been as little as $10 or as great as $300! The rent estimates for 2014 and 2019 are statistically different but not by much (1.761, higher than 1.645). The margins of error for the two estimates do overlap slightly (with $1,083 being the highest possible value in 2014 and $1,040 the lowest possible value in 2019).

Spreadsheet comparing values for different census tracts

In Census Tract 4, rent increased from $863 (+/- 122) to $1003 (+/- 126), a change of $140 (+/- 175) and percent change of 16.2% (+/- 22%). The CV for the change estimate was 76, indicating very low reliability; indeed the MOE exceeds the value of the estimate. With a score of 1.313 the two estimates for 2014 / 2019 are not significantly different from each other, so any difference here is clouded by sample noise.

In Census Tract 9, rent increased from $875 (+/- 56) to $1083 (+/- 62), a change of $208 (+/- 84) or 23.8% (+/- 10.6%). Compared to the previous examples, these MOEs are much lower than the estimates, and the CV value for the difference is 25, indicating medium reliability. With a score of 4.095, these two estimates are significantly different from each other, indicating substantive change in rent in this tract. The highest possible value in 2014 was $931, and the lowest possible value in 2019 was $1021, so there is no overlap in the value ranges over time.

Mapping Significant Difference and CVs

I grabbed the Census Cartographic Boundary File for tracts for Rhode Island in 2019, and selected out just the tracts for Providence County. I made a copy of my worksheet where I saved the data as text and values in a separate sheet (removing the formulas and encoding the actual outputs), and joined this sheet to the shapefile using the AFFGEOID. The City of Providence and surrounding cities and suburban areas appear in the southeast corner of the county.

The map on the left displays simple percent change over time. In the map on the right, I applied a filter to select just tracts where change was significantly different (the non-significant tracts are symbolized with hash marks). In the screenshots, the count of the number of tracts in each class appears in brackets; I used natural breaks, then modified to place all negative values in the same class. Of the 141 tracts, only 49 had statistically different values. The first map is a gross misrepresentation, as change for most of the tracts can’t be distinguished from sampling variability.

Map of difference on left, significant difference on right
Percent Change in Median Gross Rent 2010-14 to 2015-19: Change on Left, Change Where Both Rent Estimates were Significantly Different on Right

A refined version of the map on the right appears below. In this one, I converted the tracts from polygons to points in a new layer, applied a filter to select significantly different tracts, and symbolized the points by their CV category. Of the 49 statistically different tracts, the actual estimate of change was of low reliability for 32 and medium reliability for the rest. So even if the difference is significant, the precision of most of these estimates is poor.

Providence County, Significant Difference in Median Rent Map
Percent Change in Median Gross Rent 2010-14 to 2015-19 with CV Values, for Tracts with Significantly Different Estimates, Providence County RI


Comparing change over time for ACS estimates is complex, time consuming, and yields many dubious results. What can you do? The size of the MOE relative to the estimate tends to decline as you look at either larger or more populous areas, or larger and fewer subcategories (i.e. 4 income brackets instead of 8). You could also look at two period estimates that are further apart, making it more likely that you’ll see changes; say 2005-2009 compared to 2016-2020. But – you’ll have to cope with normalizing the data. Places that are rapidly changing will exhibit more difference than places that aren’t. If you are studying basic demographics (age / sex / race / tenure) and not socio-economic indicators, use the decennial census instead, as that’s a count and not a sample survey. Ultimately, it’s important to address these issues, and be honest. There’s a lot of bad research where people ignore these considerations, and thus make faulty claims.

For more information, visit the Census Bureau’s page on Comparing ACS Data. Chapter 6 of my book Exploring the US Census covers the American Community Survey and has additional examples of these formulas. As luck would have it, it’s freely accessible as a preview chapter from my publisher, SAGE.

Final caveat: dollar values in the ACS are based on the release year of the period estimate, so 2010-2014 rent is in 2014 dollars, and 2015-2019 is in 2019 dollars. When comparing dollar values over time you should adjust for inflation; I skipped that here to keep the examples a bit simpler. Inflation in the 2010s was rather modest compared to the 2020s, but still could push tracts that had small changes in rent to none when accounted for.

USGS Topographic Vector Layers

USGS Topo Map Vector Layers for GIS

I was working with a graduate student last month who was looking for contour lines for specific towns within the US, for large-scale (small area) mapping and analysis. They were specifically interested in elevation for landfills, and some of the contour data they found didn’t map these as they aren’t natural features. We looked at current USGS topographic maps, and they do indeed map contours for landfills. But the topo maps are raster images, and they wanted vectors. Is it possible to access the underlying GIS data that was used to create the topo maps?

Indeed, it is! Option 1 is to use the National Map Download app. Search for a place name to zoom into your area of interest. Use the Show Map Index dropdown menu to draw the quad boundaries for the topo scale you’re interested in on the map; the 7.5 minute / 1:24,000 series is the USGS topo scale that most people are familiar with. Adjust the zoom so your area of interest fits within the map window; that way when you search in the Datasets tab on the left, the default search looks within this map extent.

Next, choose the specific data product you’re interested in. Here’s a list and description of all the National Map Datasets. For example, if you just wanted contour lines, you can select that under Small-scale Datasets. Note that raster imagery and data that’s used to derive the vectors is also available for download. If you want all the vector features that appear on a particular topo map, check the Topo Map Data and Topo Stylesheet option. Once you check a product, you can choose a file format for the data. Given the size of these datasets, the FileGDB option is probably best.

USGS TNM Download
The National Map Download Interface, Showing the Datasets Tab for Selecting and Searching

Then, click the blue Search Products button. That flips you to the Products tab, and displays data available within the extent of the map view. If you chose Topo Map Data and Topo Stylesheet, the results will be maps of individual quads. You can add a bunch of maps to your shopping cart by clicking on the little cart icon, or download one immediately by clicking the Download Link (ZIP).

USGS Download Topo Map Vector Data
On the Product Tab, click Download Link (ZIP) to get data for a specific map

Option 2 for downloading data: skip the map interface and use the Stage Products Directory. This no frills option is good if you know exactly which products you’re looking for. For example, you can drill down through TopoMapVector, then by state, and then data format to get to the same files you would have downloaded via option 1. You would need to know the name of the quad that encompasses the area you want; consult an index to figure it out.

Once you download and unzip the file, you can launch your desktop GIS package to connect to the database and view the contents. In ArcGIS Pro, use the Catalog Pane, select the Databases option, right click, and Add Database. Browse to the location where you unzipped it, and select it. Then hit the dropdown for the newly added database and browse the contents, which are divided into schemas or groups. Foundation and Hydrography contain most of the features. GazVector has place name labels not captured in other features, and Cells contains outlines of the quad grid cells. Drag them into the Map Pane to view them.

USGS Topo Vector Data in ArcGIS Pro
USGS Topo Map Vector Data in ArcGIS Pro

QGIS users can use the Data Source Manager. With the Vector option selected, change the Source Type from File to Directory, and in the Type dropdown choose OpenFileGDB. Then hit the dots button to browse your file system and select the database folder. Click Add, and you’ll be prompted to choose layers and tables to add to a project. You’ll see the same schema organization described previously, and you can use the CTRL and / or Shift keys to select what you want. Add the Layers, hit OK, and close the Manager.

Adding File Geodatabase Features to QGIS
Adding File Geodatabase Features in the QGIS Data Source Manager

From there, it takes some artful manipulation of the overlays, color schemes, and labels to clearly symbolize the features. Both ArcGIS and QGIS have default symbol styles for topographic features that you can choose from. Apparently there’s a stylesheet packaged with the data, but I haven’t dug in enough yet to find and apply it. The attributes for the features seem fairly rich; the table includes columns that indicate the original data source for each feature, dates when records were added or updated, and a number of identifiers, labels, and categories. Some of the features, like bodies of water and county boundaries, extend beyond the quad cell for the map, as the USGS opted to keep whole features rather than clipping them. If the area you’re interested in happens to fall across two maps, you can download the topo map vector data for both quads, and use the Merge tool to combine them. The default CRS is un-projected NAD83 (EPSG 4269). You’ll probably want to reproject to a state plane or UTM zone that’s appropriate for your area. These post that describe styling and labeling contour lines in QGIS and ArcGIS Pro are helpful. Happy mapping!

USGS Topo Vector Data in QGIS
USGS Topo Map Vector Data in QGIS

Coordinates Plotted in Rhode Island

Using PyProj to Transform Coordinates

I’ve written a number of spatial Python posts over the past few months; I’ll cap off this series with a short one on using PyProj to convert coordinates from one spatial reference system to another. PyProj is Python’s interface to PROJ, a library of coordinate system functions that power projection handling in many open source GIS and spatial packages.

A few months back I geocoded a large batch addresses against the Rhode Island DOT’s geocoding API, which returns coordinates in the local state plane system in feet. I decided to run the non-matching addresses against the Census Bureau’s Batch Geocoder, which returns coordinates in NAD 83 longitude and latitude. You can upload a CSV file of 10k addresses and get nearly instant results (one of my students recently wrote a tutorial on how to use it). So I split the unmatched records from my original CSV, uploaded it to the Census geocoder, and got matches.

Next, I needed to get the results from both processes into the same spatial reference system back in one unified file. The kludgy way to do this would be to plot each file separately in their respective systems in QGIS or ArcGIS, convert the NAD 83 plot to the state plane system, and merge the two vector files together. I used PyProj instead, to convert the NAD 83 coordinate data in the CSV to state plane, added that data to my main address CSV file, and plotted them all at once in the state plane system.

PyProj’s Transformer function does the job. I pass the EPSG / WKID codes for the input and output systems (4269 for NAD 83 and 3438 for NAD 83 RI State Plane ft-US) to Transformer.from_crs, and specify that I’m working with XY coordinates. I open the CSV file that contains the results from the Census Geocoder and read it in as a nested list, with each record as a sublist. Here are some sample records:

[["42221","1720 Victory Hwy, Glendale, RI, ","Match","Exact","1720 VICTORY HWY, GLENDALE, RI, 02826","-71.63746768099998,41.96913042600005","647200684","L","44","007","013002","1083"],
["44882","129 SHORE RD, Riverside, RI, ","No_Match"]]

Then I iterate through the records; in my example any record with less than 3 variables was a non-match, so I skip those. The Census geocoder returns longitude and latitude in the 5th position, in the same field separated with a comma (notice quotes around the coordinates in the example above, indicating that these are part of the same field so the comma is not used as a delimiter). I split this value on the comma, read the longitude as x1 and latitude as y1. The output of the transformer function returns coordinates x2 and y2 in the new system. I tack these new coordinates on to the existing record. Once the loop is finished, I write the result out as a new CSV; I used the name of the input file and tacked “stateplane” plus today’s date to the end. Here are the results for the same records:

[["42221","1720 Victory Hwy, Glendale, RI, ","Match","Exact","1720 VICTORY HWY, GLENDALE, RI, 02826","-71.63746768099998,41.96913042600005","647200684","L","44","007","013002","1083","290699.10687381076","322797.1874965105"],
["44882","129 SHORE RD, Riverside, RI, ","No_Match"]]

That’s it! I took the resulting CSV and tacked it to end of my primary CSV, which contained the successful matches from the RIDOT geocoder, in such a way that matching fields lined up. I can still identify which results came from what geocoder, as a few of the fields are different.

import csv
from datetime import date
from pyproj import Transformer

reproject = Transformer.from_crs(4269,3438,always_xy=True)


with open(addfile,'r') as infile:
    reader = csv.reader(infile)
    for row in reader:

for r in records:
    if len(r)>3:


with open(outfile, 'w', newline='') as writefile:
    writer = csv.writer(writefile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL, delimiter=',')

PRISM Temperature Raster and Test Points Jan 15, 2020

Clipping Rasters and Extracting Values with Geospatial Python

In an earlier post, I described how to summarize and extract raster temperature data using GIS. In this post I’ll demonstrate some alternate methods using spatial Python. I’ll describe some scripts I wrote for batch clipping rasters, overlaying them with point locations, and extracting raster values (mean temperature) at those locations based on attributes of the points (a matching date). I used a number of third party modules, including geopandas (storing vector data in a tabular form), rasterio (working with raster grids), shapely (building vector geometry), matplotlib (plotting), and datetime (working with date data types). Using Anaconda Python, I searched for and added each of these modules via its package handler. I opted for this modular approach instead of using something like ArcPy, because I don’t want the scripts to be wedded to a specific software package. My scripts and sample data are available in GitHub; I’ll add snippets of code to this post for illustration purposes. The repo includes the full batch scripts that I’ll describe here, plus some earlier, shorter, sample scripts that are not batch-based and are useful for basic experimentation.


I was working with a medical professor who had point observations of where patients lived, which included a date attribute of when they had visited a clinic to receive certain treatment. For the study we needed to know what the mean temperature was on that day, as well as the temperature of each day of the preceding week. We opted to use daily temperature data from the PRISM Climate Group at Oregon State, where you can download a raster of the continental US for a given day that has the mean temperature (degrees Celsius) in one band, at 4km resolution. There are separate files for min and max temperature, as well as precipitation. You can download a year’s worth of data in one go, with one file per date.

Our challenge was that we had thousands of observations than spanned five years, so doing this one by one in GIS wasn’t going to be feasible. A custom script in Python seemed to be the best solution. Each raster temperature file has the date embedded in the file name. If we iterate through the point observations, we could grab its observation date, and using string manipulation grab the raster with the matching date in its file name, and then do the overlay and extraction. We would need to use Python’s datetime module to convert each date to a common format, and use a function to iterate over dates from the previous week.

Prior to doing that, we needed to clip or mask the rasters to the study area, which consists of the three southern New England states (Connecticut, Rhode Island, and Massachusetts). The PRISM rasters cover the lower 48 states, and clipping them to our small study area would speed processing time. I downloaded the latest Census TIGER file for states, and extracted the three SNE states. ArcGIS Pro does have batch clipping tools, but I found they were terribly slow. I opted to write one Python script to do the clipping, and a second to do the overlay and extraction.

Batch Clipping Rasters

I downloaded a sample of PRISM’s raster data that included two full months of daily mean temperature files, from Jan and Feb 2020. At the top of the clipper script, we import all the modules we need, and set our input and output paths. It’s best to use the path.join method from the os module to construct cross platform paths, so we don’t encounter the forward / backward \ slash issues between Mac and Linux versus Windows. Using geopandas I read in the shapefile of the southern New England (SNE) states into a geodataframe.

import os
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
import rasterio
from rasterio.mask import mask
from shapely.geometry import Polygon
from rasterio.plot import show

# new file created by script:

clip_area = gpd.read_file(clip_file)

Next, I create a new geodataframe that represents the bounding box for the SNE states. The total_bounds method provides a list of the four coordinates (west, south, east, north) that form a minimum bounding rectangle for the states. Using shapely, I build polygon geometry from those coordinates by assigning them to pairs, beginning with the northwest corner. This data is from the Census Bureau, so the coordinates are in NAD83. Why bother with the bounding box when we can simply mask the raster using the shapefile itself? Since the bounding box is a simple rectangle, the process will go much faster than if we used the shapefile that contains thousands of coordinate pairs.

areabbox = gpd.GeoDataFrame({'geometry':Polygon([(minx,maxy),

Once we have the bounding box as geometry, we proceed to iterate through the rasters in the folder in a loop, reading in each raster (PRISM files are in the .bil format) using rasterio, and its mask function to clip the raster to the bounding box. The PRISM rasters and the TIGER states both use NAD83, so we didn’t need to do any coordinate reference system (CRS) transformation prior to doing the mask (if they were in different systems, we’d have to convert one to match the other). In creating a new raster, we need to specify metadata for it. We copy the metadata from the original input file to the output file, and update specific attributes for the output file (such as the pixel height and width, and the output CRS). Here’s a mask example and update from the rasterio docs. Once that’s done, we write the new file out as a simple GeoTIFF, using the name of the input raster with the prefix “clipped_”.

for rf in os.listdir(raster_path):
    if rf.endswith('.bil'):
        # Do the clip operation
        out_raster, out_transform = mask(in_raster, areabbox.geometry, filled=False, crop=True)
        # Copy the metadata from the source and update the new clipped layer 
            "height":out_raster.shape[1], # height starts with shape[1]
            "width":out_raster.shape[2], # width starts with shape[2]
        # Write output to file
        with rasterio.open(out_path,'w',**out_meta) as dest:
        if idx % 20 ==0:
            print('Processed',idx,'rasters so far...')
print('Finished clipping',idx,'raster files to bounding box: \n',corners)

Just to see some evidence that things worked, outside of the loop I take the last raster that was processed, and plot that to the screen. I also export the bounding box out as a shapefile, to verify what it looks like in GIS.

#Show last clipped raster
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))
areabbox.plot(ax=ax, facecolor='none', edgecolor='black', lw=1.0)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))

# Write bbox to shapefile 
Clipped raster with bounding box
PRISM US mean daily temperature raster, clipped / masked to bounding box of southern New England

Extract Raster Values by Date at Point Locations

In the second script, we begin with reading in the modules and setting paths. I added an option at the top with a variable called temp_many_days; if it’s set to True, it will take the date range below it and retrieve temperatures for x to y days before the observation date in the point file. If it’s False, it will retrieve just the matching date. I also specify the names of columns in the input point observation shapefile that contain a unique ID number, name, and date. In this case the input data consists of ten sample points and dates that I’ve concocted, labeled alfa through juliett, all located in Rhode Island and stored as a shapefile.

import os,csv,rasterio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import geopandas as gpd
from rasterio.plot import show
from datetime import datetime as dt
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import date

#Calculate temps over multiple previous days from observation
temp_many_days=True # True or False
date_range=(1,7) # Range of past dates 

if not os.path.exists(outfolder):

# Column names in point file that contain: unique ID, name, and date

Next, we loop through the folder of clipped raster files, and for each raster (ending in .tif) we grab the file name and extract the date from it. We take that date and store it in Python’s standard date format. The date becomes a key, and the path to the raster its value, which get added to a dictionary called rf_dict. For example, if we split the file name clipped_PRISM_tmean_stable_4kmD2_20200131_bil.tif using the underscores, counting from zero we get the date in the 5th position, 20200131. Converting that to the standard datetime format gives us datetime.date(2020, 1, 31).

rf_dict={} # Create dictionary of dates and raster file names

for rf in os.listdir(raster_dir):
    if rf.endswith('.tif'):
        rfdate=dt.strptime(rfdatestr,'%Y%m%d').date() #format of dates is 20200131

Then we read the observation point shapefile into a geodataframe, create an empty result_list that will hold each of our extracted values, and construct the header row for the list. If we are grabbing temperatures for multiple days, we generate extra header values to add to that row.

#open point shapefile
point_data = gpd.read_file(point_file)


if temp_many_days==True:
    for d in range(date_range[0],date_range[1]):

Now the preliminaries are out of the way, and processing can begin. This post and tutorial helped me to grasp the basics of the process. We loop through the point data in the geodataframe (we indicate point.data.index because these are dataframe records we’re looping through). We get the observation date for the point and store that it the standard Python date format. Then we take that date, compare it to the dictionary, and get the path to the corresponding temperature raster for that date. We open that raster with rasterio, isolate the x and y coordinate from the geometry of the point observation, and retrieve the corresponding row and column for that coordinate pair from the raster. Then we read the value that’s associated with the grid cell at those coordinates. We take some info from the observation points (the number, name, and date) and the raster data we’ve retrieved (the row, column, file name, and temperature from the raster) and add it to a list called record.

#Pull out and format the date, and use date to look up file
for idx in point_data.index:
    obs_date=dt.strptime(point_data[obdate][idx],'%m/%d/%Y').date() #format of dates is 1/31/2020
    if obs_raster == None:
        print('No raster available for observation and date',
    #Open raster for matching date, overlay point coordinates, get cell location and value
        row, col = raster.index(xcoord,ycoord)

If we had specified that we wanted a single day (option near the top of the script), we’d skip down to the bottom of the next block, append the record to the main result_list, and continue iterating through the observation points. Else, if we wanted multiple dates, we enter into a sub-loop to get data from a range of previous dates. The datetime timedelta function allows us to do date subtraction; if we subtract 1 from the current date, we get the previous day. We loop through and get rasters and the temperature values for the points from each previous date in the range and append them to an old_temps list; we also build in a safety mechanism in case we don’t have a raster file for a particular date. Once we have all the dates, we do some calculations to get the average temperature and range for that entire period. We do this on a copy of old_temps called all_temps, where we delete null values and add the current observation date. Then we add the average and range to old_temps, and old_temps to our record list for this point observation, and when finished we append the observation record to our main result_list, and proceed to the next observation.

       # Optional block, if pulling past dates
        if temp_many_days==True:
            for d in range(date_range[0],date_range[1]):
                past_date=obs_date-timedelta(days=d) # iterate through days, subtracting
                if past_raster == None: # if no raster exists for that date
                    # Assumes rasters from previous dates are identical in structure to 1st date
            # Calculate avg and range, must exclude None values and include obs day
            all_temps=[t for t in old_temps if t is not None]
        else: # if NOT doing many days, just append data for observation day
    if (idx+1)%200==0:
        print('Processed',idx+1,'records so far...')

Once the loop is complete, we plot the last point and raster to the screen just to check that it looks good, and we write the results out to a CSV.

#Plot the points over the final raster that was processed    
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(12,12))
point_data.plot(ax=ax, color='black')
show(raster, ax=ax)


with open(outpath, 'w', newline='') as writefile:
    writer=csv.writer(writefile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_MINIMAL, delimiter=',')

print('Done. {} observations in input file, {} records in results'.format(len(point_data),len(result_list)-1))
Output data for script
CSV output from script, temperatures extracted from raster by date for observation points

Results and Wrap-up

Visit the GitHub repo for full copies of the scripts, plus input and output data. In creating test observation points, I purposefully added some locations that had identical coordinates, identical dates, dates that varied by a single day, and dates for which there would be no corresponding raster file in the sample data if we went one week back in time. I looked up single dates for all point observations manually, and a sample of multi-day selections as well, and they matched the output of the script. The scripts ran quickly, and the overall process seemed intuitive to me; resetting the metadata for rasters after masking is the one part that wouldn’t have occurred to me, and took a little bit of time to figure out. This solution worked well for this case, and I would definitely apply geospatial Python to a problem like this again. An alternative would have been to use a spatial database like PostGIS; this would be an attractive option if we were working with a bigger dataset and processing time became an issue. The benefit of using this Python approach is that it’s easier to share the script and replicate the process without having to set up a database.

Observation points on raster in QGIS
Observation points plotted on temperature raster with single-day output temperatures in QGIS