Census Tracts

Call for Proposals: Celebrating the Census in the Journal of Maps

I’m serving as a co-editor for a special issue for the Journal of Maps entitled “Celebrating the Census“. The Journal of Maps is an open access, peer reviewed journal published by the Taylor & Francis Group. The journal is distinct in that all articles feature maps and spatial diagrams as the focal point for studying geographic phenomena from both a physical / environmental and social science perspective.

Here’s the official synopsis for this census-themed special issue:

We invite contributions to a special issue of the Journal of Maps focused upon the evolving character and cartographic opportunities offered by traditional census statistics and the impact of transitioning from these sources of population data at a range of spatial scales into a new era of big data assembly. In so doing, the special issue marks two important events taking place in the UK during 2021 in the history of British Censuses and seeks contributions that reflect the past transition of population data cartography through the digital era of the last 50 years and anticipates its transformation into the big data era of the foreseeable future.

While the issue marks the 100th anniversary of the UK census, submissions concerning census mapping from around the world are welcome and encouraged in these topic areas, including but not limited to:

  • Spatial and statistical consistency over time
  • People on the move
  • Mapping people through space and time
  • Mapping morbidity and mortality
  • Politics and population data
  • International comparison of demographic mapping
  • Before and after population mapping using censuses and administrative sources
  • Population data and mapping human-environmental interaction
  • Transition and evolution in population mapping

Visit the special issue announcement for full details. Deadlines:

  • April 30, 2021: a short draft (500-word limit) outlining themes and scope of the paper, preferably with a sample map
  • June 14, 2021: abstracts will be selected by the editorial team by this date
  • Sept 5, 2021: completed paper (4000-word limit) is due

The issue will be published sometime in 2022.